Complete Data Structures and Algorithms: Software Interviews


Learn data structures and algorithms with Python. Solve technical questions by Google, Amazon, Meta, Netflix and more!

What you’ll learn

  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms
  • Technical Interview Question Solutions
  • Python


  • Knowledge in any programming language


Welcome to the Complete Data Structure & Algorithms: Technical Interviews course

Data structures and algorithms is not just a subject which every programmer should master but also a major topic in technical interviews by giant technology companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Uber, Tesla etc.

Not only we will learn about the theory and practical implementations of the data structures & algorithms but also we will solve many technical interview questions and practice what we learn in each section.

During the course we will use Python programming language for all implementations and question solutions. However if you are sufficient in any other programming language before, you would be fine. We have a quick Python Refresher section where you can learn about the fundamentals if you want to adapt. Alternatively you can learn all the algorithms and solutions and implement them in your own preferred language as well.

This course is brought to you by Atil Samancioglu, teaching more than 300.000 students worldwide on programming and cyber security along with the Codestars, serving more than 1 million students! Atil also teaches mobile application development in Bogazici University and he is founder of his own training startup Academy Club.

Some of the topics that will be covered during the course:

  • Technical Interview Questions
  • Big O Notation
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Deque
  • Arrays
  • Linked List
  • Heap
  • Graph
  • Tree
  • HashTable

After you complete the course you will be able to solve technical interview questions, improve your programming skills and implement ideas in real life problems. You will be given many opportunities to solve questions on your own during the training and it will be vital for you to follow these instructions.

If you are ready, let’s get started!

Who this course is for:

  • Programmers trying to land a job in big technology companies
  • Programmers looking forward to improve their coding skills
  • Programmers looking to learn about data structures & algorithms

Created by Codestars by Rob Percival, Atil Samancioglu
Published 7/2022
English [Auto]

Size: 6.01 GB

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1 Comment
  1. Aliquid similique un says

    Laborum Doloribus e

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