Angular 15 Masterclass with TypeScript, Firebase, & Material
Master and build reactive Single Page Applications(SPA) from scratch using Angular (formerly “Angular 2” or “AngularJS”)
- Built a Single Page Application using Angular
- Using TypeScript
- Implementing various building blocks in Angular
- Using Third Party Modules like Angular Material and AngularFire 2
- NodeJS Installed
- Basic knowledge of NodeJS, NPM, node_modules
- We’ll use AngularCLI, so make sure that it’s installed as well.
- We’ll use Visual Studio Code as our IDE
- You should know JavaScript
- Experience with Object Oriented Programming is a plus
Following is the Curriculum followed in this course:
- TypeScript, Angular Application Architecture and Angular CLI
- Angular Modules and Angular Components.
- Angular’s Component LifeCycle Hooks
- Dependency Injection In Angular
- Routing
- Services
- Directives
- Pipes
- Forms
- Custom Decorators
- Angular Material
- Firebase
TypeScript, Angular Application Architecture and Angular CLI
- What is a Single Page Application
- Why Angular
- Types
- Let, Const
- Class, Interface
- Fat Arrow Functions
- Decorators Modules
- What is Angular CLI and how to use it. Basic tasks (ng serve/build/test, ng generate component/service/directive/pipe)
- Architecture of Angular Applications Built using Angular-CLI
- Change Detection strategy (Zones) – Theoretical
Angular Modules and Angular Components
- @NgModule
- Angular Application Bootstrap Mechanism
- @Component
- Data/Property Binding
- View Encapsulation
- Inter-component Communication (@Input/@Output, Event Emitter)
- Template variables (ViewChild/ContentChild)
- Content Projection(ng-content)
- Templates – will be covered as part of components
- Metadata – basic overview
- Lifecycle hooks
- Order and triggering of each hook
- Hooks specific to Components and Decorators
Dependency Injection(Providers)
- Dependency Injection – Why?
- Dependency Injection – As a design pattern
- Dependency Injection – As a framework
- Dependency Injection – What?
- Injectors and Providers
- Hierarchical Dependency Injection
- Child routes
- Route params
- Route Guards – CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate, Resolve, CanLoad
- Service as a singleton, data sharing.
- HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams
- Observables with Operators like map, subscribe, catch, retry etc
- Subjects
- Sharing data across Components using Service
- Built In Structural Directives – NgFor, NgIf, NgSwitch
- Built In Attribute Directives – NgClass, NgStyle, NgNonBindable
- Building a Custom Structural Directive
- Building a Custom Attribute Directive
- Build in Pipes
- Building Custom Pipes
- Pure and Impure Pipe
- Template Driven Forms
- Reactive forms
- Form Validations
- Custom Synchronous form validations
- Custom Asynchronous form validations
Custom Decorators
- Metadata – deep dive
- Building Custom Class Decorator
- Building Custom Property Decorator
Integrating with Third Party Libraries
- Material Design Bootstrap
- Angular Material
- Firebase
- Anyone who wants to learn Angular
- Anyone interested in building Single Page Applications
- Anybody who wants to know Angular in depth
- Anyone who wants to learn TypeScript, Firebase and Angular Material
Created by Siddharth Ajmera
Last updated 9/2020
Size: 4.03 GB
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