Try AngularJS: Beginner’s Guide to Front End Web Development


Try AngularJS: Beginner's Guide to Front End Web Development

Built and managed by Google, AngularJS is one of the most powerful front-end frameworks in the world.

What Will I Learn?
  • Build a basic AngularJS Web Application
  • Know the fundamentals of AngularJS
  • Learn about the powerful AngularJS concept known as “directives”
  • Understand concepts like Data-binding
  • Running a local web server to handle URL Routing in AngularJS
  • We go step-by-step so some HTML skills are helpful but not 100% needed for successful completion
  • Basic Javascript is helpful
  • Basic HTML is helpful
  • Basic CSS is helpful


If the internet was created today, AngularJS’s core functionalities would have been built-in on day one. That’s the mindset the developers had when they were creating AngularJS. how would we create a framework that would fix all of the core issues with the beginning of the internet?

Here’s a simple concept: <h1></h1>

If you’re familiar with HTML then you know this to be a heading tag which has default formatting on all web browsers. In short, it makes text stand out.

What if you wanted a tag like: <awesome-sauce></awesome-sauce>? Like just that tag? With it’s own default formatting and function? With AngularJS this is downright simple. It’s called a directive and something you’ll learn in this series.

How about easy filtering of content in a list? Or ordering? These things can be done using other technology but AngularJS makes is super simple.

This course is here to teach you the fundamentals of AngularJS to build a blog application complete with filtering, directives, searching, typeahead, ordering, ngResource, and much more.

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone interested in learning AngularJS
  • Web Developers looking to build more responsive Web Applications
  • jQuery users looking for a more robust, out-of-the-box, solution

Created by Justin Mitchel
Last updated 10/2016

Size: 727.64 MB

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  1. Dennis says

    seeds please

  2. Zoe says

    seeds please

  3. Sapna says

    Please seed the torrent

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